Quotes on Prayer


Prayer of a true devotee is only 'Thank you' - no complains nor demands.

Prayer is neither a bid nor a bribe. Blessings cannot be bought, for it is bestowed on us every moment. A grateful heart receives it.

Gandhiji also had only 24 hours a day. Yet he did not miss even one prayer-meet in his busy schedule.

Do not beg from God in the name of prayer. Let Him work on you. He will give you in abundance.

A disciple's prayer is - 'O Guru! bless me so I may understand the essence & true intent of Your nectar-like teachings.'

Daily prayers are like an appointment with the Divine. Do not postpone or miss it.

Prayer is not for someone to listen, but it is to strengthen your faith in God.

For a devotee, prayer is a way to say 'Arigato' - 'thank You' to God, for everything.

Installing the Guru in his heart, a devotee has only one prayer - make this servant like Thee.

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