Articles on Sadguru

Sadguru and the Principle of Synchronicity

Only the one who is awake himself can awaken another from deep slumber – the Sadguru who revels in inner…

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Sadguru

Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth…

What is Paryushan?

Paryushan Parva (also known as Paryushan Mahaparva) offers an opportunity to consciously reduce worldly activities and create a conducive state…

Recognising the Self-Realised

Enlightened Beings are often unrecognised during their life-times, but worshipped after they shed their mortal coil. In honour of the…

Guru – The Alchemist

Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion of Gurupurnima,…

Procrastination – A Vicious Thief of Time

Why we procrastinate and how we can make better use of our time Many of us are victims of the…

Patrank – 670

Mumbai, Fagun Sud 1, 1952 Om Sadguru’s Grace All activities of the Enlightened One are rooted in the supreme truth,…

Living by Will of the Guru

The blessed occasion of Gurupurnima gives devotees a chance to express their deepest gratefulness towards their beloved Sadguru. Connect with…

My Life – A Gift from Bapaji

The Sadguru continuously showers the disciple with gifts to ensure his spiritual progress. Sarvarpit Vishal Gandhi, offering seva in the…

You came to my doorstep

O Lord! You came to my doorstep and asked in alms, my old and worn out beliefs. You have blessed…

Dispassion and Practice

Since time immemorial, all endeavours to gain happiness from the world have gone into an abyss; happiness has remained ever…


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