Quotes on Seeker


A genuine seeker is inspired to let go of his ego-identity like a joyous river rushing towards the ocean, ready to merge its identity.

A seeker lives with the spirit of - 'No One Can Disturb me' rather than 'Do Not Disturb'.

The seeker has a deep need and is ready to pay any price. He shows no excuses but surrenders to the Guru.

Courage is an essential virtue for a seeker, as the inward journey is unknown and unfamiliar.

Focused on the soul's pure nature, a seeker does not see any situation as favourable or unfavourable.

The enthusiasm of a seeker is such that he wants nothing but to realise the divine Self. He is willing to put in any effort, for any length of time.

Profound compositions of Enlightened Ones overflow from their peaceful inner state. Earnest seekers immerse in them & experience the same inner peace.

Like a river rushing to merge itself into the ocean, a seeker is inspired to dissolve his ego and identity in the Divine.

A sincere seeker yearns for worthiness alone.

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