Quotes on Hurt


Hurt and hate for small matters indicate a big ego.

You are hurt not because others have less love for you; but you have high expectations.

A strong bond of love with the Guru weakens the bondage of karma caused by hate and hurt.

When you know the other person's perspective, you can never hurt or hate anyone.

Focus on your inner climate than the outer environment. See that it is not clouded with thoughts of hate and hurt.

Develop a mind that does not mind; and develop a heart that does not hurt anyone.

Relationships are like roses. You will be able to enjoy their beauty & not be hurt, if you know how to handle them.

This Paryushan, strengthen your feelings of friendliness for all, appreciation for the virtuous & forgiveness for all hurts & hates.

You have a big fat ego if you get hurt easily and have deep wounds within.

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