Quotes on Bhakti


Colours of the world will get washed away, but the colours of Gurubhakti grow day by day.

The dark night of ignorance gets illumined when you keep the flame of Guru-ajna burning in your lamp of Guru-bhakti.

Seva is an expression of bhakti.

Meditation and seva are two forms of bhakti.

Gurubhakti is to focus on the Guru's inner state and have a yearning for that state.

The feast of Satsang and bhakti subsides the hunger and temptation for sensual pleasures.

Love for the Guru creates emotions in us and bhakti takes you beyond emotions.

Meditation is talking to God, when alone. Bhakti is talking to God, when with others.

Hatred cannot enter a heart that is filled with God.

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