Reliving Moments of Grace Experimenting with Yourself Sadguru is exuding grace through His being at every moment. This experiment will help to remind you of His unconditional love and deepen your connection. An epitome of benevolence, Sadguru is constantly showering His blessings upon you. However, sometimes you may lose your connection and begin to doubt His love. This experiment is designed to remind you of His compassion and strengthen your bond with Him. Step 1 Sit calmly in front of a photograph of your Sadguru. Take a few deep breaths as you look into His gentle eyes and think of an incident where you have been deeply moved and rescued by His grace. Step 2 Close your eyes and let the entire scene come to life in front of you. Recall not only the sights and sounds at the time, but also your physical, mental and emotional state, when you felt that the situation could not be remedied. Remember how by His unique ways He ensured that things fell in place. What was your state of being after that? Step 3 Immerse yourself in the feeling of gratitude towards your Sadguru, who came to your aid without ever asking you for anything in return. Step 4 As a mark of reverence and gratefulness for this blessing, add a marker in your life to remind yourself of His grace. You may give something up (eg. a favourite food) or resolve to do something additional (eg. pay an extra obeisance of thankfulness during prayers) for it to serve as a reminder of this expression of His love for you. By adding more markers of this divine love, you will stay connected to the gracious Master in all situations and experience His presence more profoundly in all activities. Topicsbhaktigracegratitudemeditationsadguru Quotes Focused on the soul's pure nature, a seeker does not see any situation as favourable or unfavourable. The enthusiasm of a seeker is such that he wants nothing but to realise the divine Self. He is willing to put in any effort, for any length of time. In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation. Resolve to fully live, at least, one point that has touched you in Satsang. View All #SadguruWhispers In this world, dharma is your true protector, benefactor and friend that will never abandon you in any situation. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates