Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

An unparalleled love for the Guru is when He appears the cutest, that is, everything else appears insignificant.

Be a giver of love, not a beggar of love.

Loving the Guru either leads to the dropping of all desires, or all desires merging into one - the desire for the Guru.

When you are secure in God's love, when you trust His love, you want to love everyone!

With a strong and clear purpose, design and decorate your life.

When you listen to Satsang, connect it with yourself, feel it and experience it.

Be like a rose. Although surrounded by thorns, it offers colour, fragrance and softness to bring a smile to every face.

To become a spiritual champion, cultivate the temperament, master the technique & get trained under an expert coach - the Guru.

A discriminative mind knows what is non-negotiable in life - no compromise on inner values and discipline, even at the cost of external loss.

#SadguruWhispers Do you focus on inner purity, or merely keep a count of the hours spent on practices?