Articles on Calmness

Divine Deity

Empty yourself like an open bowl and feel the Sadguru pour His Grace into you Simply take a deep breath,…

Sadguru and the Principle of Synchronicity

Only the one who is awake himself can awaken another from deep slumber – the Sadguru who revels in inner…

Patrank – 719

Nadiad, Aso Vad 10, Saturday, 1952 To the seeker of Self-realisation, practising the path of monkhood Shri Lalluji and Shri…

Writing a Revolution

Writing your thoughts and activities on a daily basis helps engineer spiritual progress. Journaling gives you the opportunity to remember…

Dividends of Divine Love

Dharmesh Doshi, secretary of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (UK), a member of the Jinmandir Committee of Sadguru Prerna and a…

A Life of Gratitude

Rajeevbhai Gandhi, secretary of Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (USA), describes how Pujya Gurudevshri’s grace and teachings have revolutionised his beliefs…

Face Your Enemy

Face your enemy with the tool of detached observation and see the challenger leave. A sure-cure practice for a calm,…

Win the Game of Life – Lessons from Rugby

Sports not only evoke adrenaline rushes but also offer important learnings that help us to tackle situations of daily life.…


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