Yoga Tailored For All – Asanas for Housewives The science of Yoga offers asanas and techniques that can be practiced at different times during the day by people from different walks of life. Let us acquaint ourselves with a few such asanas and techniques that can be practiced in our daily routine Housewives play an important role in proper functioning of a family. Their role may require spending most of the time at home, either in the kitchen or doing household tasks. Spending hours at a stretch in a particular position or being constantly on feet results in physical strain, stiff muscles and mental fatigue. It may get strenuous at times. Yogasanas provide an easy way to freshen housewives from the tedious tasks on hand. Try out these asanas to build stamina, feel energised and uplift your mood. What Kapotasana (Variation) Why this Name The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘kapota’ which means ‘pigeon’ and ‘asana’ which means ‘pose’. It is usually known as the ‘Pigeon Pose’. We will perform a variation of this asana with the use of a chair or sofa. How to do it Stand 3 to 4 feet away from a chair. Grab both the sides of the chair with your hands. Grip tight. Inhale and lift your right leg forming a ‘V’ between your calf and thigh while placing the thigh on the chair. Let the left foot stay firmly grounded on the floor. Exhale and adjust wherever required. Hold this position for 8 breaths. To release, inhale and exhale bringing the right leg back. Repeat the pose on the other side. Which Benefits Strengthens knees and legs. Opens up inner thighs. Improves posture. Relieves tension in the body. Calms the mind. What Gomukhasana (Variation) Why this Name The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘go’ which means ‘cow’, ‘mukh’ – ‘face’ and ‘asana’ – ‘pose’. We will be performing a variation of this ‘Cow Face Pose’. How to do it Stand in Tadasana. Grab a rolling pin (velan) or scarf (dupatta). Inhale, gently fold your left arm and place it behind your back. Exhale, take your right arm over your right shoulder, and stretch it as much as you can until it reaches your left hand. Make use of the rolling pin or scarf to bring both hands closer to each other. Keep the trunk erect and expand your chest. Hold this pose for 6 to 8 breaths or for as long as you are comfortable. Breathe slowly and deeply. Concentrate on your breathing. Exhale and carefully release the arms. Repeat the pose on the other side. Which Benefits Improves posture. Stretches upper arms and armpits. Increases shoulder flexibility. Relieves shoulder pain. Strengthens spine and abdominal muscles. Helps decompress lower spine. What Purvottanasana (Variation) Why this Name The name is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘purva’ which means ‘East’, ‘uttana’ – ‘intense stretch’ and ‘asana’ – ‘pose’. We will be performing a variation of this posture using the fridge. How to do it Place your back and legs against the fridge. Spread the arms out across the width of the fridge. Inhale and bring the arms behind, grabbing the sides of the fridge. Exhale and lean forward keeping the feet close to the fridge, feeling an intense stretch in the shoulders and the back. Inhale and bring the body back against the fridge. Exhale to release the arms. Repeat this movement 5 to 7 times. Which Benefits Relieves shoulder stiffness. Expands and releases back. Strengthens the arms. Improves posture. Take small breaks amidst daily chores to practice these yogasanas, which will release the excess tension built up due to extensive use of hands and legs. Not only will this help you work more efficiently, but will also make you feel revitalised and motivated to keep going throughout the day! Topicsfitnesspain reliefposturetensionyoga Quotes For a devotee, all places of pilgrimage are at the lotus feet of his Guru alone. Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it. Guru's purity emits powerful electromagnetic waves. Surrender with love to absorb them and experience an effortless transformation. Satsang makes your spiritual journey easy and joyous, while introspection helps transform your values into virtues. View All #SadguruWhispers Guru's purity emits powerful electromagnetic waves. Surrender with love to absorb them and experience an effortless transformation. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates