Articles on Passion

Dispassion and Practice

Since time immemorial, all endeavours to gain happiness from the world have gone into an abyss; happiness has remained ever…

Param Krupalu Dev: As a Shatavdhani

Param Krupalu Dev’s Divine Life is a mine of exemplary qualities. Digging deeper and deeper into His life, we unearth…

Cruising in His Shelter

Pujya Gurudevshri, like an expert sculptor, chisels seekers to enhance their virtues and chip away their flaws. Atmarpit Pratikbhai relives…

What is Paryushan?

Paryushan Parva (also known as Paryushan Mahaparva) offers an opportunity to consciously reduce worldly activities and create a conducive state…

Recognising the Self-Realised

Enlightened Beings are often unrecognised during their life-times, but worshipped after they shed their mortal coil. In honour of the…

Guru – The Alchemist

Pujyashri Gurudev beautifully brings out the many ways in which the Guru transforms the disciple. Commemorating the occasion of Gurupurnima,…

Mindset of An Ant

5 lessons in correct attitude for living a fulfilled life How far should one look for inspiration? And how big…

Sweet Surrender

Pujya Gurudevshri explains how on accepting the refuge of the Enlightened One, and by recognising His inner state, we too…

Bounce Back from Failures

Every failure is followed by two options – giving up or getting up. Those who succeed eventually are the ones…

Discovering the Treasures Within

Influenced by people around we often try to imitate others and ‘create’ talents. For a change, let us discover the…


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