Quote of the day

Inspiring Quotes

You are very eager to offer fruits and flowers. When will you offer yourself to the Guru?

The Guru's company is like the sun that dries up mud-like passions and blossoms lotus-like virtues.

Of many virtues of the Enlightened Master, Self-abidance trumps them all.

The disciple loves the Guru,seeing His spiritual height. The Guru loves the disciple, seeing his yearning for it.

Meditation is not an outer activity. It is a natural state of being.

Seeing the Enlightened Master feels like all the purity of the three worlds has descended in Him.

To taste the bliss of the Self, immerse in devotion of the One absorbed in the Self.

In the state of devotion, your questions get dissolved, not solved.

Adjust, accept, and appreciate to build a healthy bond in a relationship.

#SadguruWhispers Understand the intent behind words of the Enlightened Master & match your thoughts & actions for speedy progress.