Articles on Misery

What is Paryushan?

Paryushan Parva (also known as Paryushan Mahaparva) offers an opportunity to consciously reduce worldly activities and create a conducive state…

Discovering the Real Identity

Pujyashri Gurudev expresses that the cause of all your miseries is the false belief regarding your identity. Understand your real…

Patrank – 213

Mumbai, Fagan Sud 4, Saturday, 1947 Salutations! Salutations! To The Eternal This world is bewildered by the agony of physical,…

Scurry Your Worries

Why we worry and how to begin a stress-free life Worrying has become a regular part of our daily lives.…

Do I Need to Give Up Happiness to be Religious?

Absolutely not. Pujyashri Gurudev responds, “I am not asking you to give up happiness. I simply wish to show you…

Shri Atmasiddhi Shastra – Transcending the Name and Form

Our name is a very important part of our lives. Everything revolves around the name. But when the name confines…

Bondage is Your Choice

We often find ourselves blaming people or circumstances as the cause of our bondage. Pujya Gurudevshri encourages us to pause…


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