Home Wisdom Articles Wellness Avocado Soy Milk Ice Cream

Avocado Soy Milk Ice Cream

Avocado Soy Milk Ice Cream

Soy milk contains vegetable proteins and is a rich source of isoflavones which have many health benefits including reduction in cholesterol levels, prevention of osteoporosis and minimising risk of prostate and breast cancer. Let us incorporate the health benefits of soy milk in our diet through these recipes.


  • 1 cup soy milk
  • 2 bananas peeled, diced and frozen
  • 1 avocado
  • 4 tbsp peanut butter


  1. Spoon out the pulp of avocado.
  2. In a blender, mix this avocado pulp with all the other ingredients till it forms a consistent mixture.
  3. Pour this mixture in a container and chill it in a freezer till it solidifies.
  4. Serve and cherish this refreshing ice cream delight.

Recipe Notes

Recipe by Neel Doshi

Nutrition Facts
Servings Per Container 4

Calories 839.2
Total Fat 60g
Total Carbohydrate 48.8g
Protein 26g


jain recipe


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