Let This Flute Always O Master! Let this flute always remember that it is an inert, lifeless, and empty piece of wood. The music flowing out of it is that of a flutist. The fingers and the breath that bring out the music is His. The flute may be empty but its value and blessedness is because of the flutist. Bless me that, I always remain in the hand of my divine flutist. May my life become pure bereft of the dirt of hatred, selfishness, falsehood, greed, anger etc. May my life be straight, simple and egoless. May my behaviour be humble, modest and soft. May my heart be filled with compassion, peace, forgiveness and purity, so that the divine flutist can lovingly blow His music through me. If this flute is able to bring out sweet and magical music that can touch hearts, then it is not the flute’s greatness, it is the magic of the flutist. Therefore, I have only one prayer to make to the listeners of this music, while listening to this flute, let their attention be on the flutist and never on the flute. Om Peace Peace Peace Topicsdevotionegolessprayersurrender Quotes The Guru's teachings ignite the fire of knowledge within you that burns away all your negativities and illusions. For a devotee, all places of pilgrimage are at the lotus feet of his Guru alone. Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it. Guru's purity emits powerful electromagnetic waves. Surrender with love to absorb them and experience an effortless transformation. View All #SadguruWhispers Focus on the peace centre within and stay connected to it. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates