Home News Ripples of Love and Care in Darbhanga, Bihar

Ripples of Love and Care in Darbhanga, Bihar

The first-ever free mega-medical camp outside Gujarat was all set to happen in East India!

Where and Why?

Darbhanga, Bihar.

India’s third most populous state, but home to the country’s highest number of malnourished people. The poorest state in India, where one out of every two people qualify as ‘multidimensionally poor’ as per the Government’s NITI Aayog and which has the lowest number of per-capita beds available in district hospitals – just six beds per one lakh population. While many of us had not even heard of Darbhanga, Puja Gurudevshri was listening to the cries of its people in need.

Additionally, several people working with us at the Ashram and at our homes, offices, buildings, etc. are from Darbhanga and have gradually become part of our families. Pujya Gurudevshri inspired that it was now time for us to extend a loving hand to their families.

Preparation for the Camp

Given that the geography was relatively unexplored, the first task was to establish a relationship with the local authorities. Meetings were conducted with top-ranking officials from the Health Ministry as well as with members of the local government machinery.

A tie-up with Rotary Club of Darbhanga helped in supporting the overall organisation of the camp,, and the Rotary Club of Dhanbad assisted in the manufacturing of artificial limbs. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisation and Ekta Parishad supported in spreading awareness of this initiative to the rural interiors, while Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) and Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital aided in providing medical services. Alkem Foundation was the generous sponsor for the medical camp in Darbhanga.

Simultaneously, a team of doctors began medical screening in the villages around Darbhanga, covering a total population of over 2.5 lakh people in the process. From government databases, thousands of personal calls were made to differently-abled patients informing them about the camp. A few days before the camp, hundreds of differently-abled patients visited the site where detailed diagnosis was conducted and measurements for their physical aids were taken.

Various awareness methods were also employed – prominent hoardings across the city’s busiest roads, series of press conferences and a door-to-door campaign which saw volunteers travelling from village to village to speak to community leaders, schools and families.

Camps at Darbhanga and Makrampur

A variety of multi-speciality services were expertly provided through a team of 60-plus doctors from Mumbai and other cities. These included general medicine, general surgery, paediatrics, gynaecology, ENT, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, dentistry etc. A pharmacy, radiology lab and pathology lab were also made available. Over 3,500 patients received free, high-quality treatment through this camp!

For patients requiring complex treatment, major surgeries and other interventions have been planned with local partners and hospitals, with over 150 surgeries scheduled to be completed shortly. A few patients have even been referred to Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital and Research Centre at Dharampur for further medical care.

The highlight of the event was Pujya Gurudevshri lovingly distributing physical aids such as artificial limbs, cerebral palsy chairs, standing wheelchairs etc. to differently-abled patients. With these aids, many of them were able to stand or walk for the first time in their lives!

On the following day, another medical camp and food and blanket distribution drive was conducted in the area of Makrampur, Bihar in the gracious presence of Pujya Gurudevshri. The Master also performed the first-ever pratishtha of Param Krupalu Dev in Bihar at the residence of Dipesh Paswan, a helper at Pujya Gurudevshri’s brother’s residence.

Behind it all, Pujya Gurudevshri’s limitless grace and compassion were the driving forces behind the ideation and execution of this initiative, which created ripples of joy, positivity and hope in the lives of thousands in Bihar.

#SadguruWhispers The spiritual path is not a path of memory; it is a path of discovery and experience.