Home News Online Parna of Varshitap Aradhana 2021

Online Parna of Varshitap Aradhana 2021

Varshitap is a year-long austerity that is undertaken on the blessed day of Akshay Tritiya. It was on this day that Rushabhdev Bhagwan’s 400-day fast came to an end with an offering of sugarcane juice by Shri Shreyancekumar.

With the blessings of Param Krupalu Dev, Shrimad Rajchandraji and Pujya Gurudevshri, 14 aspirants from all over the world undertook Varshitap aradhana last year in 2020.

On 15 May, 2021, seekers expressed their heartfelt gratitude, as Pujya Gurudevshri performed a virtual parna and concluded their austerity. The celebrations took place over a video conference that began with reverential bhakti, after which, He performed puja of Rushabhdev Bhagwan’s idol and blessed the gathering with a short address.

Despite the lockdown, Pujya Gurudevshri’s compassion continues ceaselessly. He continues to inspire seekers to perform austerities, as prescribed by the Jinas, with a focus on the Self.

#SadguruWhispers Amidst inner impurities, the Self remains unchanging and pure. Detach from the modifications to experience the pure Self.