The Triangle Experiment Experimenting with Yourself Are you a slave to your moods? Do little things upset you? Does lack of sleep or hunger drive you up the wall? Here is an experiment that can help you remain in control and at peace in spite of your changing circumstances. Step 1 Observation Observe what happens when you are faced with a particular situation. Do you see that there is a connection between your body, your mind and yourself? For example – hunger. You feel hungry, you reach out to some food. You pick up your favourite dish. If you don’t get what you want, sorrow engulfs you. If you get it, you are overjoyed. Thus, you constantly experience fluctuations within. Step 2 Procedure Mentally create a triangle. Place your body, your mind and yourself at the three corners. Distance yourself from the activities of the body and the mind. Be a witness to all the changes happening in both. For example Know that the body is hungry. The mind is demanding its favourite food. The body is moving towards that delicacy. The morsel is being put in the body. Both, the body and the mind are feeling satisfied. When the mind gets what it desires, see how it feels excited. And when it does not get what it wants, see how it feels upset. Be a witness to this game of demanding, fulfilling, being satiated or otherwise that is played by the body and the mind. Step 3 Inference Despite the changes in your physical and emotional world, you will be able to gladly accept everything with equanimity. Step 4 Resolution Resolve to practise this exercise at a specific time, for a specific period. Slowly increase the number of times and the period each time you practise. Step 5 Result As you mature, this will start happening effortlessly. Soon you will rest in your changeless Being and experience happiness, regardless of your prevailing circumstances. Topicsawarenesshappinessmeditationmindfulness Quotes The seeker has a deep need and is ready to pay any price. He shows no excuses but surrenders to the Guru. Whether you get favourable or unfavourable situations, resolve to be happy. You are in prison if you cannot let go of your painful past. You are free if you unhook from it. The Guru is like a mirror. Looking at Him turns your focus towards your pure and powerful self. View All #SadguruWhispers The Guru is like a mirror. Looking at Him turns your focus towards your pure and powerful self. Select category for which you wish you receive updates via email - SRMD Updates Wisdom Updates Subscribe for updates