Home Wisdom Articles Wellness Non-Dairy Substitutes for Butter

Non-Dairy Substitutes for Butter

Non-Dairy Substitutes for Butter

Who knew that regular butter could easily be substituted with healthier vegan butter! Let’s work on making our recipes more palatable without using dairy products.


Almond Butter
  • 1/2 cup almonds raw or roasted
  • rock salt to taste sindalun

Sesame Butter
  • 2 cups raw white sesame seeds tal

Coconut Butter
  • 2 cups dry coconut shredded and unsweetened
  • salt to taste

Peanut Butter
  • 2 cups raw peanuts with skin
  • rock salt to taste sindalun


Almond Butter
  1. Place the almonds in a grinder till 1 inch height.
  2. Grind them till it forms a smooth paste. It will initially form a powder and later turn into a buttery paste.
  3. If desired, add rock salt now or while serving.
  4. Grind the remaining almonds in the same manner.
Sesame Butter
  1. Roast the sesame seeds on low heat till they turn brown.
  2. Cool them slightly and add half the roasted seeds in a grinder.
  3. Grind till it forms a buttery paste.
  4. Store this butter in a glass jar.
  5. Grind the remaining seeds in the same manner.
Coconut Butter
  1. In a blender, churn the dry coconut at high speed for about 10 minutes till it forms a granular paste.
  2. Scrape down the sides of the blender to ensure uniform consistency.
  3. Blend for another 5 minutes till it forms a buttery paste. Again scrape down the sides.
  4. Blend for another 5 minutes to form thick, spreadable coconut butter.
  5. If desired, add salt now or while serving.
Peanut Butter
  1. Roast peanuts on low heat for 20 minutes till they turn brown. Stir continuously to avoid burning.
  2. Check if the peanuts have become crunchy on cooling. If they do, turn off the flame. Keep them aside till they become warm.
  3. In a grinder, mix half the warm peanuts with a pinch of rock salt.
  4. Grind the mixture till it starts forming a buttery paste. Periodically, scrape down the sides of the grinder.
  5. Similarly grind the remaining peanuts.

Recipe Notes

Recipe by Jivanarpit Bhumika Pandya


jain recipe


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